Significance of Peace.

Wafi Aziz Sattar
Published: 2015-09-21 13:30:00.0 BDST

International Symbol of Peace

Good day folks,

Sorry if this post bores you, that is not my intention. You can skip this and watch your cat videos if you wish to. For those who choose to read on, if ignorance is bliss and oblivion is what you dwell in, I hope this post makes you think a little bit harder about togetherness with all those you consider ‘different’, and some (if not a lot) negativity towards divisiveness.

What is the significance of peace? In fact, what is peace? These questions may seem silly to most people who already ‘feel’ they understand the meaning of peace and are for it, yet secretly or unknowingly go about doing things in their lives that go against everything peace stands for. This hypocrisy is not due to misunderstanding what peace is, but rather a lack of will to learn the whole meaning of what peace is, and furthermore, a lack of willingness to practice it for selfish reasons.

Unity, community, understanding, amicability, accessibility, open-mindedness, respect, empathy, sympathy, peace, love and oneness is what peace is all about globally.

Racism, religious hatred, communal hatred, xenophobia, chauvinism, ethnocentrism, misogyny, sexism, semitism and antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry, nativism and even resistant traditionalism are all forms of extremism and bias against peace, friendship and respect towards each other.

Change yourself if you wish for the world to be ‘nicer’ to you. No matter how ‘negative’ the other person may ‘seem’ to you and how much of that you may have actually made up in your mind, remember, when you are judging, it is you who is making that conscious decision to judge. And when you spew hatred from your mouth, it is you again who is making that deplorable action. Unless the other person or persons is literally poison for you and have caused you literal psychological, physiological, or in this fake world, material harm, the problem of judging someone based on your preconceived notion that they must be bad because you must be good, makes you the problem. Change yourself if you wish to change the world.

Remember that a good life starts when we all can coexist in harmony. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had said best,

“We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation. This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos and community”

Hoping for peace, love and a better world from all of you, I am signing off this post on International Day of Peace and wishing you all have a blessed pro-peace and hate-free life.

Wafi Aziz Sattar

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